Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Samuel Baxter McKenrick-He Lived with Two Women, Got kicked out of the Church, and was a Great Bee Man

Samuel Baxter McKenrick (1829-1914)
Here we go...back to my Maternal side.  I want to talk about my Mother's Father's Family-the McKenricks.  You will remember that we have discussed Andrew McKenrick and his unknown Parentage.  I now want to look at the next generation-my Great Great Grandfather Samuel Baxter McKenrick.  our McKenrick line of descent is my Mother, Barbara Carolyn McKenrick Wright, 1928-2009 (1), my Grandfather, William Francis McKenrick, 1896-1964  (2), my Great Grandfather,  Francis Henry McKenrick, 1864-1961(3), my Great Great Grandfather, Samuel Baxter McKenrick, 1829-1914 (4) and my Great Great Great Grandfather, Andrew McKenrick 1794-1870 (5).

Samuel Baxter was born to Andrew McKenrick and his wife Rachael Baxter on 25 August 1829.  His family is listed on the 1830 Census as living in 1830 in Menallen Township, Adams County, PA.  He is one of 6 children to be enumerated for this family in 1830.  The birth dates may be a bit off for these children because it doesn't quite jive with the Census.  On this Census, there were 3 daughters, Margaret (b. 1820), Theresa Rachael (b. 1822) and  Mary Ann (b. 1824).  There were 4 boys, Charles (b. 1818), John (b. 1827), Andrew (B. 1828) and Samuel (b. 1829).  James was not on this Census as he was born in 1833.  I also have no idea who the other male  is that is listed as over 30 and under 40.  
Andrew McKenrick family on 1830 Census (spelled McCandricks)
Andrew McKenrick married his 2nd wife Anna Brady Bart, widow of Jeremiah Bart on 3 Sept 1849.  She had 5 children by Jeremiah, 3 of whom were living when she married Andrew.  When Andrew and Anna married, Andrew's son Samuel Baxter was 20 years old and Anna's daughter Susan was 12.  Samuel B. McKenrick married his Step-sister Susan Bart reportedly in 1854 (Their 1st child was born in 1855. )  Although their parents married at the Conewago Chapel, I cannot find a Marriage record for Sam and Susan at that Church.    One 3rd cousin who has worked extensively on the McKenrick Genealogy, says that they married at St. Ignatius in Buchanan Valley.  Perhaps the records were lost in one of the fires suffered by that Church.

Susan Bart McKenrick

Sam was born in 1829-he would have been in his early 30's during the Civil War.  I have not been able to ascertain whether or not he actually served.  I have a US Civil War Draft Registration Record 1863-1865 record that states he "Was drafted and never reported"..This was on June 4, 1863.  I also have a US Civil War Draft Registration Record 1863-1865 for the month of June 1863 that makes no mention of the note seen in the other.  Somewhere I believe I saw a record that said he was fined for not reporting-however I cannot seem to locate it.
Sam is Number 12

Sam filed for compensation for 2 horses and their bridles which were taken by Rebel Soldiers.  As they were only miles from Gettysburg, there were obviously rebels in the area.
Transcription of Handwritten portion:  Two horses, one about 10 years old the other 9 years, and worth one worth $125, the other $50...................$175
Two Bridles worth.......6.00
The above property was taken from my premises by two Armed Rebels on or about the first of July AD 1863 and never yet returned                                                                              Samuel B McKenrick

Sam and Susan McKenrick had  12 children that we have documented.

The eldest was Helena born in 1855.  She married John Snyder and removed at some point to Maryland.  They had 9 children.  She died in 1913, in Keyser, Mineral County, West Virginia.
Helena McKenrick Snyder 1855-1913

The eldest son, John Aloysius (Lew) was born in 1856.  He married Luzern Rhone; they had 6 children.  He died in Moline, Rock Island County, Il. in 1937. 
John Aloysius McKenrick  1856-1937

Charles Andrew McKenrick , born in 1859, married Elizabeth Louise Baker; he died in Menallan Twp, in 1923, Adams County PA.  They had 16 children with 2 infant deaths noted.  
Charles Andrew McKenrick  1859-1923

Mary J. McKenrick died in Buchanan Valley, Adams County, PA at 1 year of age in 1862.  

Mary J. McKenrick 1861-1862

Samuel Francis, born in Adams County, PA in 1862,  married Die  (Dinah) Willis in Camanche, IA.  They had 6 children.  Sam died in 1923 and is buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Camanche, Clinton County, IA
Samuel Francis McKenrick 1862-1932 with son Willis (Pete) working their Bees

James Mead McKenrick , born 1865 in Adams County, married Ida Rhone and died in Clearfield County, PA in 1944.  He and Ida had 8 children.

James Mead McKenrick (1865-1944)

Joseph Henry McKenrick, born in  1867 in Adams County, married Susan Baker in Buchanan Valley, sister of Elizabeth Baker listed above (married Charles Andrew).  They had 1 son.  After her death in 1911, he and his son joined brothers in Camanche, Clinton County, IA and remarried.  His 2nd wife was Eva Mae Andrews-they had 5 children.  Joe died in 1931 in Camanche, Clinton County, IA.
Joseph Henry McKenrick (1867-1931)

Susan Jane McKenrick, born in Adams County in 1869,  married Francis X. (Frank) Clapsadl.  They had 16 children and she died in 1964, at the age of 96 in Fairfield, Adams Co., PA
Susan Jane McKenrick (1869-1964) and husband Francis Clapsadl 

Thomas Robert McKenrick, born in Adams County in 1871,  married Nora Wood.  They had 5 children.  Thomas died in Grampian, Clearfield County, PA in 1935
Thomas  McKenrick 1871-1935, wife Nora Wood 1881-1967

Francis Henry (Frank) was born in Adams County, PA.  He removed to Camanche Ia with three brothers to help their Uncle Andrew with his Bee Keeping Business.  There he married Sarah (Sadie) Duncan.  They had 4 children Alice who died young, William Francis  (1896-1964), our Grandpa Mac, Orlo and Roy.   Frank died in 1961, in Moline, Rock Island County, IL.  He is buried in Rosehill Cemetery in Camanche, Clinton, IA with his wife and infant Daughter Alice.  
Francis Henry (Frank) McKenrick (1874-1961 and wife Sarah (Sadie) Duncan 1877-1949

William Martin McKenrick was born in Allegheny County in 1875, in Maryland when his mother Susan traveled there to assist her eldest daughter Helena with the birth of Helena's 2nd son, David.  He married Clara Bell McElwee, had nine children and died in 1931 in Buchanan Valley, PA.  

Charles Flavius (Flav) McKenrick, the youngest of the McKenrick children also removed to Camanche Ia.  There he had a relationship with Jesse Huginin which resulted in 1 daughter.  He then left the US.  Family legend had him fighting in the Spanish Civil War but this is doubtful.  No one has been able to locate any military records for him.  He married a Russian woman with one daughter; they had a son and daughter together and lived in British Columbia.  I do not know if he had any contact with his siblings.  The above mentioned  3rd Cousin who has done extensive work on the Family History has been in contact with  Flav's daughter. 
Charles Flavius (Flav) McKenrick   1879-1962

Passenger ship log listing Flav, his wife and children

Samuel 1st shows up on the 1850 Federal census as a 19 year old living in his Father, Andrew's home.  His father has remarried and his 14 year old Step-sister and future wife is also living there.  This is also the Census that shows Margaret Starner living with the family.  If you recall-she is my candidate for being Andrew's Mother.  (see previous post-A Mother and Child Reunion)   On the 1860 Census we have Samuel and Susan married with 3 children, Helena, Aloysius and Andrew.  
Samuel's wife Susan Bart McKenrick died in 1894.  On the 1900 Census, Sam is alone with a 22 year old "Housekeeper" and her 2 illegitimate children.  This is actually written below the entry for Ms. Nagle; her children are on the top of the next page-2 boys, ages 4 and 2.  I can only guess that the comment about the children being illegitimate is to explain why the Census taker did not put in the number of years she was married.  I have never seen this before on a Census form.   

Apparently Samuel had quite a reputation in his later years as a Ladies' man.  A couple years ago, I went to Adams County for the Annual Church Picnic, where the McKenrick Clan reunites each year.  One of the 3rd cousins and his wife graciously invited me to stay with them.  He gave me the following paper about Samuel that he had found among his Dad´s genealogy papers.  He has tried to track down the woman, Louise Miner,  who signed the sheet-with no luck.  I have tried to trace the 2 children listed and their mother and have some possibilities but have not definitely located them on subsequent Censii.  I  really think that the fact that Sam was 76 when the oldest of Lucinda's sons was born pretty much rules him out as the Father.  (altho it is an improbable possibility) 

Transcription:  1900 PA. Census (Adams County) Franklin , Township
McKenrick, Samuel (Age)   66
Nagle, Lucinda                      22
(Children are Illegitimate) Having No Married father
Nagle, Nord                         4
Nagle, Francis                    2

Lived with two women
Kick out of Church
Made wiskey    still house swamp named after
Great Bee man
Grafted Apple Trees in 50 mile area
Took cow to West VA
Walk over to sister
took dog to W VA on Train  came back
Apple tree near Geo Bream
and McKibbon grafted by him
History proved by Louise Miner

Samuel died 13 Jan 1914.  He and Susan are buried in the Churchyard of St Ignatius Church, as are many of their descendants.  

Our Great Grandfather Francis (Frank) is listed as living in Missouri-he never did to the best of my knowledge.  He lived in Camanche Iowa and the Silvis/Watertown area in Illinois (out by East Moline State Correctional Facility, the old State Hospital)

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